Monday (3/26): 2 laps around the track / Dynamic Warm Ups (Full Group) / 20 minute run / Fun Relays - 2 x 400 Meter Relays (4 teams of 8 - Seniors lead - Must have 2 freshman / 2 sophomores / 2 juniors / 2 seniors - in a group - try to equal boys & girls - choose relay order) / Weight Training Program 1 - Phase 1 (Pre Season) - Learning proper technique, ideology of the program, safety of program, why it's essential to do each exercise correctly - 4 stations to accomplish - upper body station / lower body station / core station / dynamic station / cool down / static stretches
Tuesday (3/27): 2 laps around the track / Dynamic Warm Ups (Full Group) / 15 minute run / Fartlek Workout - jog the curves & pick up to sprint on straight aways - goal is to not stop for the duration of the workout (no walking) - 400/800 meter runners 4-6 laps / 1600 meter runners 6-8 laps / 3200 meter runners 8-10 laps / 5 minute run / static stretches on your own (honor system)
Wednesday (3/28): 2 laps around the track / Dynamic Warm Ups (Full Group) / 20 minute run / TIME TRIALS: 400 / 800 / 1600 / 3200 meter time trial depending on your interest - you will run that interest once to your maximum potential at this time. After your time trial ALL would be running a 200 meter time trail. / 10 minute cool down / static stretches
Thursday (3/29): 2 laps around the track / Dynamic Warm Ups (Full Group) / 10 minute run / FUN RELAYS (Coaches Choice) / Weight Training Program 2 - Phase 1 (Pre Season) - Same as above / cool down / static stretches
Friday (3/30): 400/800 meter runners - 15 minute run (2 minute jog & 1 minute tempo) / 1600 meter runners - 30 minute run (2 minute jog & 2 minute tempo) / 3200 meter runners (3 minute jog & 2 minute tempo) - No School - Run On Your Own - Remember the honor system
Saturday (4/1): Any type of physical activity for 45 minutes
Sunday: OFF
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